
Pick Up Artist

Pick Up Artist: "Most men falsely assume that in order to pick up women, that women expect a man to do something, to behave in a certain way, to say the right things, or the treat them with particular care or attentiveness.

While the latter is in fact true, at least in part, what a man is thinking when he is attempting to attract women is far more important than being attentive and possessing the right things to say at the right moment in time."

Trying too hard to pick up a woman comes off bad.

Let me say that again so it resonates:

Trying too hard to pick up a woman comes off bad.

When you feel like you are TRYING TO IMPRESS, you are on the WRONG PATH.

Learn to be AWARE of your feelings.

Once you step over the line of just being...

There is absolutely nothing attractive about desperation. I mean, if a girl comes up to you acting all desperate, don't you get suspicious? Don't you think, "Gee she is desparate and that means every other guy has dumped her!" N-e-x-t!

However, it's still not as bad as women perceive it. Because, we guys are a horny lot and we might be willing to accept her desperation. But, put yourself in woman's shoes. She can EASILY get laid so it's no biggie to her so SHE CAN BE PICKY and pass you up for better opportunities. It aint the same for guys!

You have to get to the point where you attract women AUTOMATICALLY, WITHOUT effort. Effort just screws things up, anyway.

* Place a magnet in your pocket. Pretend that it's soley the job of the MAGNET. You otherwise just sit back and think nothing. I.e. the MAGNET is doing the impressing, NOT you!

* Put a stick of your favorite smelling gum in your pocket, or, if you are so brazen, in your shorts. Odd? What have you go to lose?

* The more things you have DOING THE WORK FOR you, the better.

Because the ideal is where the guy does not appear to be trying! He is letting his "assistants" do all the work.


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